
Getting started with something

So, for the past month or so I’ve been playing around with this idea I have for a game. I need that game to be multi-OS (Windows, Mac, Linux) so that ruled out quite a few existing engines, be possible to work on in Linux (that ruled out Unity), be 3D (that ruled out MonoGame and probably a few 2d-only engines) and not written in Java (which ruled out jMonkey), and either open-source or with sufficient low-level access to the tools and the rendering pipeline (which just about ruled out everything that was left).

Building Ogre projects from Vim

I use Visual Studio to compile and debug my Ogre project since the precompiled headers option gives me a significantly faster build (I’m awake that even GCChas support for precompiled headers now, but the first ten search results for the same in Google didn’t look very promising, so I didn’t bother to pursue it further). However, I use Vim almost exclusively for all my development, whether it be at the office or for my side-projects, so I found myself typing a lot of “w"s, “/“s and “dd"s while working on my project in Visual Studio.

DotScene works

Just ported my hard-coded scene to use the .scene file and build the scene from there instead, and it works. Woot!

Scene editing in Ogre

Made some more progress with Ogre. While looking through the samples that come with Ogre, I noticed that all of them tend to create scenes in C++ code (mSceneManager.AddSceneNode, AddChild, and so on and so forth). While this might be well and good for the demo, this is no way of creating levels, so I set out to find a decent scene editor for Ogre. Couldn’t find one that’s half decent and doesn’t require you to download the 1.

Deferred Shading in Ogre

Well, over the past few weeks I’ve been working on-and-off on migrating Ogre’s Deferred Shading demo to my own application code (well, to be perfectly honest, the whole thing took about two days. The first day was the day I started two weeks ago, and the second day was yesterday. I just tend to get distracted easily, so I explored Unity, Unigene, Cryengine modding, Witcher 2 modding and Google’s NaCl in the other 12 days).