A Brand New Git Repo

Apr 28, 2019

I remembered recently that this blog has been sitting around idle for a while. I figured that the continuous deployment solution I’d set up (CodeShip + Amazon S3) might’ve died by now (well, the CodeShip part anyway) but no, it’s still around. Those folks seem to be going strong, much to my surprised and delight.

However, a lot has changed in the past two years. For one, Github now supports unlimited private repositories with a free account. I had originally hosted the code (I use Hugo) on BitBucket because back then they had support for private repos and Github didn’t. However, all of my other repos are on Github, and since Github now supports private repos for free too, I figured that I might as well move this thing over too.

This was slightly complicated by the fact that CodeShip doesn’t allow you to change the backend used for one of their pipelines. You can switch from one BitBucket repo to another, or from one Github repo to another, but not from BitBucket to Github or vice versa. So, I cloned the repo locally, created a new one on Github, added that as a remote, duplicated my pipeline and pushed, and it worked! Of course, I also cleaned up some of the backend mess I had made the first time around. For instance, I had just straight up given CodeShip access to my main AWS account’s Access and Secret keys. Now, I have a custom policy that only grants write access to the one bucket it needs, and CodeShip has the keys to an IAM role with solely that policy attached. Much cleaner (and much, much safer!).

Some things changed on the Hugo side of things too, such as one function being removed and another being on the deprecation path, fixed those nits too.