
400 parameter validation failed for Terraform with Proxmox

The main terraform provider for proxmox is not very polished. It works, but doesn’t appear to perform any validation of your inputs, and also does a terrible job of communicating errors thrown by proxmox. Consequently, any time you make a mistake in your resource, you’re likely to see an extremely unhelpful message that says: 400 Parameter Validation failed When this happens, add pm_debug = true to your provider configuration: provider "proxmox" { .

Static Website With Hugo, AWS and Cloudflare

After writing my previous post about cleaning up my Continuous Deployment solution for deploying this site, I decided to experiment with AWS’s CodePipeline to set up my own home-grown pipeline to build and deploy the site instead of relying on CodeShip. Infrastructure setup For all its features, AWS doesn’t make it easy to set up and tweak things in a secure fashion. The recommended way of creating AWS resources is by using STS, IAM Roles and Policies to set up permissions in the most restrictive way possible.