
Elisp code for easily creating a new blog post

Another reason why I’ve been keeping off blogging is because each post needs to be in a certain format for poet to accept it. Here’s what this post looks like so far at my end: { { { "title": "Elisp code for easily creating a new blog post", "date": "11-17-2013", "time": "23:38:53", "tags": ["emacs", "elisp", "poet"] } } } Another reason why I've been keeping off blogging is because each post needs to be in a certain format for [poet](https://github.

Fixes to poet

So, I moved this website over to poet recently for the sole purpose of making it easier for me to publish posts right from Emacs (by writing the posts in a simple markdown file in a local git repo, and the pushing the changes over to my server and staging them). However, right off the bat I ran into a couple of issues. Poet comes with a feature that allows it to monitor your posts directory for any changes, and then it reloads all posts the moment it detects any new files/modifications to existing files/deletion of files.