
Google Cloud Compute using Terraform, locally and on GitHub Actions

Recently, I had a hell of a time figuring out how to handle authentication for running Terraform against Google Cloud. Most of Google’s documentation is way more complicated and uses a lot more jargon than the corresponding AWS documentation. Additionally, most of the existing blog posts I could find by other users talked about creating a service account and then downloading its key, and Google recommends against that for security reasons.

Compressing content for GitHub pages

Still chugging along with my implementation of client-side search for a statically-generated Jekyll site with bloom filters. Currently, the collected JSON that contains individual bloom filters for each blog post clocks in at just over 28k for around 80 posts. I decided to try to cut that down even further by compressing the JSON before sending it to the client. With the gzip module that comes with ruby, I cut the size down by more than half, but then I ran into a brick wall: setting the Content-Encoding flag in the headers for that file.

Moved over to GitHub pages

Having moved my website from Wordpress to Poet recently, you’d think that a sane person would settle down and patiently blog for a while. And you’d be right, that’s exactly what a sane person would do. In totally unrelated news, this website is now hosted on GitHub pages with the help of Jekyll-Bootstrap. Why, you ask? Well, as I wrote about previously, I’ve had some issues with Poet, and the creator sometimes takes a while to reply to raised issues or pull requests.