I’ve been checking out Sublime Text 2 for a week or so. Heard about it for the first time in a thread on reddit talking about the release of Textmate 2. It’s coming across as a pretty good editor so far, with a vi-emulation mode, per-pixel antialiased characters, and plugins written in python. The thing is, I’ve taken to hating tools that I can’t customize myself, which is why I’ve been looking for an alternative to vim. It’s a pretty awesome editor, and I’ve gotten addicted to the modal editing features of vim, but VimScript is a huge mess, and Emacs is just plain ugly.

Anyway, cscope is one crucial tool I use in my day-to-day work, so naturally I set out to create a plugin to interface with the same in Sublime Text 2. And, 24 hours later (yeah, I know, that’s too long, it’s been a while since I last sat down with python), a barely-working plugin is ready.